Order of Canada in Hockey: Which women are Next in Line? (Part One)
In the next few years, which women will follow in the footsteps of Cassie Campbell and have the honour of the Order of Hockey in Canada bestowed upon them? While current players such as Gillian Apps, Jayna Hefford and Hayley Wickenheiser are assured of their spot, there are many worthy choices to choose from in the near future. Considering their induction into the International Ice Hockey Federation Hall of Fame, Angela James and Geraldine Heaney must be locks for 2013 and 2014, respectively. Both played on the first Women’s World Championship Team in 1990, and were in anonymity for many years despite raising Canada to a world power in women’s ice hockey. After that, the field widens as there are many worthy recipients. Vicky Sunohara was another leader and elite performer during the early years of modern women’s ice hockey. She was another member of the 1990 World Championship team, and played in the Central Ontario Women’s Hockey League, the predecessor to the NWHL and CWH...