Spooner and Mikkelson begin Amazing Race Canada in first place

From being introduced first among the contestants in the second season of The Amazing Race Canada, it would prove to be a trend for Natalie Spooner and Meaghan Mikkelson. During the first episode, titled “What’s It Take to Get a Cup of Tea?”, this remarkable duo never ranked lower than second place in any of the legs of the race.

Things literally got off to a flying start as the Roadblock (a feature of the race) indicated that one contestant from each team had to jump out of an airplane. Taking into account that first episode was filmed in Victoria, British Columbia, the daring skydivers got a beautiful view of one of Canada’s greatest cities.

With Spooner volunteering to jump out of the plane, there was a brief moment of concern. A combination of nerves and dizzy spells made Spooner vomit in the plane. With Mikkelson on the ground waiting for her, she was curious as to why she did not jump yet as several planes were circling in the air.

Declaring that the quickest way to deal with being so high in the air was to jump out of the plane, Spooner took the plunge. Despite having an accomplished jumper tied to her in case of emergency, the view captured Spooner’s imagination although there was an urge to vomit again. Luckily, such an event did not take place in mid-air.

Upon landing, Spooner was still somewhat dizzy, reflecting that Mikkelson should have engaged in the stunt instead. Regardless, Spooner’s efforts placed the team in first.

Entering the second leg of the race, the challenge was not as demanding. A taxi ride to the Fairmont Empress Hotel resulted in a member from each competing team participating in a tea service. From pronouncing the words verbatim, let alone properly, on the menu, proper handling technique was required.

With Mikkelson adorned in a black suit for the tea service, she would succeed on her second attempt as the lords and ladies in attendance evaluated her effort. Taking into account that Mikkelson was still suffering from an injured wrist, the bandages were still visible when she was distributing the desserts to go with the tea. Managing to compete was truly testament to her toughness.

Still holding on to first place, the third and final leg of the first episode’s race took the pair of Winter Games gold medalists to Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt. Home to one of Canada’s largest naval fleets in the Pacific, all competitors engaged in Search and Rescue training exercises, the two entered a room which simulated a sinking ship with a makeshift flood occurring. Working together to plug up all the leaks in the wall, their peak physical condition certainly made the difference.

Reaching the finish line first, it would prove to be the beginning of several other rewards. With Air Canada serving as one of the show’s sponsors, both Spooner and Mikkelson earned a trip to any destination in South America that Air Canada services. In addition, they each received a credit card from fellow sponsor ScotiaBank with a prepaid amount of $2000.

Although the race has only begun, Spooner and Mikkelson have established themselves as the early favorites. Taking into account that fitness is an essential part of their lifestyles and the key to hockey success, they certainly have the endurance to excel. After a nation of hockey fans rooted for them to capture the gold at the 2014 Sochi Winter Games, their shoulders are strong enough to whether the expectations of excited fans who are proud to see their hockey heroes continue to accomplish greatness.


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